There is something oddly alluring and even kinda sexy about Tina Fey (yes I know I'm a chick, but there is nothing wrong with appreciating fineness).
I thought to myself a couple of weeks ago that I should really give that 30 Rock a go. I hit an obstacle almost immediately, when I discovered that TvLinks had been shut down long ago. So after searching for a bit then a little try and error, I discovered SideReel, it seems to be the best option for viewing this particular show. It gives you the option of formats and host sites, so you can choose what best suits you, love it.
Anyway, after 3 episodes I was hooked. Its quirky and brilliant, with all the right ingredients for the perfect sitcom recipe: Take one enduringly neurotic character, Place in a well greased suburban setting, Fold in a quirky neighbor, but leave some aside for a spin off series later, Cover with wealth and unreality, Sift in an attractive but unattainable love interest, Drizzle through bad canned laughter, In a separate bowl whip together some bad lyrics and a cheesy tune,Over bake in a hot oven of media publicity and speculation, Decorate with B grade celebrity cameos.
The whole moving on and creating a life that I require, Is heaps harder than it seems. I have had 2 conversations of late that come to mind. One was incredibly detrimental, all the progress I had made at making myself stronger, more in control, a better person, went out the window in the space of 3 minutes. I hated myself again, I wanted to end it all, the Gollum was in full swing. In short I felt insanely guilty for things that should be well and truly under the bridge. The other was just strange, me realizing that parts of me still linger, feelings and emotions remain, ones that I need to come to terms with.
In other news, I appear to have an interesting cat situation. Twice in the last 5 days I have arrived home to find feathers every where. I know the cat can climb in the window with bird in mouth, I have witnessed her accomplish this amazing feat. However, after searching absolutely everywhere and questioning the cat, I cannot find said bird(s). I am concerned that she may be devouring them, and that it may be detrimental to her health...
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