Thursday, February 21, 2008

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

I am not entirely sure that Soccer is supposed to look this good <-. At any rate, my team does not. We don't even make up for our lack of looks by being awesome, In fact I think that we are at the bottom of the table. Its crushing :(

My workmate and I were discussing forwarded emails today. And how annoying they can be. Especially the chain ones. However we decided that the ones that make you giggle or say "awwwww" should be forwarded. They made your day brighter, so why not pass that on to your friends etc. The title of the post comes from one such email. About a group of kids that were asked to say what they think love is. I'm sure that you've seen it or one like it before. But what this kid said really grabbed me. He has managed to look deep and capture so much without even realizing what he meant. At the same time hes passing a social observation. Anyway, I'm sure the event never even happened. Lol I shouldn't be cynical.

On a forum, that I share with old friends from high school, we have been discussing the differences between US Humor and UK Humour. In particular the "Office" and the "Office". Someone posted John Cleese's "Letter to America". I feel that it is amusing enough that all deserve to have a read. On the topic of the "Office" I went over to Big Fish the other day and downloaded the demo of the game. Which was rather enjoyable :).

So it was pay day on Wednesday, and I was all excited cos I was able to buy the tickets to that concert, and what do I find? That the floor tickets are all sold out :( , I'm so upset, I was quite looking forward to it, and I don't think that seated will be quite the same experience.

In other news, Ive been interviewing my arse off. Don't yah hate that smarmy feeling?

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