This move was big and important, I'm still nervous about how it will all turn out, but its too late now, im in, and we have a year lease. Why was it big? Well, My bf and I have moved in together. Its the first time Ive ever lived with a guy without flatmates. Its just us, the cat and the dog... That's another thing to be nervous about. But so far both pets are alive. No drama to report at all actually :)Its quite exciting, the house is the biggest house I have ever lived in, plus we have a huge lawn and a deck :D And I have full speed internet, all to myself. hehe
Certain situations, series of events and even people, bring out certain mees. I have had them fully under control (so I thought anyway) until about a week or so ago. I guess that the stress of moving etc. made the calm in control me vulnerable to the others. I have started noticing parts of some of them emerging. This isn't entirely bad, it means that I am here typing, which is good. It also means that I have been doing an awesome job of keeping house, with all the setting up, cooking and cleaning, and I am actually enjoying it. However, I do not have the ability to let out only some parts of some persona's yet, I am not strong enough. I let my guard down for one bit and all of a sudden all of the parts of me are trying to gain control of my entity. One in particular effects other people, and I know that she has already picked a victim, and is trying to manipulate the in control persona to her will. I guess that if I know that that is going on, then I have made some progress. The trick now is to stay in control and build back the walls before its to late. A year ago I don't think I would have been able to do that. But I think I can now. Do or do not, there is no try.
Things that are exciting atm; Heroes is back! (even if NZ is like 7 episodes behind). Looking at returning to my adventures in Azeroth. We will be having an awesome house warming soon. And our soccer tema is second on the table :D