Milly was one of the two demon kitties that resided with me, unfortunately, she is no more. It is the not wanting to talk about it that has meant my absence. But I have procrastinated and made excuses for far to long, and I am back to start with the dreaded post.
Milly's life was one of many ups and downs, she managed to squeeze a large amount of drama into her short 3years. She was born the runt of a litter of six, and never quite right because of it. Her head was slightly to big for the rest of her body, which caused her to be laughed at, as well as making her the favorite among visitors. Despite her slight retardness she was overall cute and love able. When young she would accidentally run into glass doors and windows, and charge past Leila when she was trying to attack. One of her most obvious traits, was that she refused to clean... her white belly was usually a beige sort of color, except when she had just had a bath, or Leila plucked up the courage to clean her.
Milly disappeared when she was just a year old. We hunted all around the block multiple times, but to no avail. It had been 8 days when we had given up hope, and Leila was getting used to soaking up all the attention, when she appeared at the cat door, filthy and battered and covered in fleas. After we took her to the vet it was revealed that she must have been hit by a car, that she had a shattered pelvis and that her bladder and bowel functions would never come completely right. Instead of an expensive and complicated surgery, we put her on cage rest, well, we tried to. She had other ideas however, and would not remain still. When locked in the room with a window only a crack open (there is no way anything could fit through, my hand barely could) we woke up one morning to find her asleep in the chair beside the bed. This means she squeezed out of the window, in the cat door and climbed the stairs.... she was stubborn, but eventually came right. Even if she lost half her tail in the process.
But towards the end of April this year, things went backwards again, there was nothing we could do to help her, and she knew it was the end... I miss her to this day, so does Leila and those that knew her. There is a gap in our hearts for our poor tarded Milly, but she is in a better place now, where she can run happily with a full tail again.